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Comb - Recycled Plastic - ' Marble'


Comb - Recycled Plastic - ' Marble'

Each recycled comb is created from the plastic waste collected directly from our Brockley community and created in South East London with 100% recycled plastic. Each comb is approximately 1 milk carton and 2 lids worth of plastic. This mixture is a combination of plastics, including the black lids from the designer's dog's treat boxes, take away cutlery, yoghurt pots, gold apple juice lids and everything in between. Not one comb is the same as another, meaning each comb and it's beautiful patterns are unique.  Every purchase supports Müll's mission to recycle directly from the community, within their community. Reducing the mileage from their waste, ensuring it doesn't join the 2/3 of plastic that is shipped overseas. And they can guarantee that all of the plastic sent to them, is recycled.